
meeting with the DHO of mukono with bill & melinda gates foundation-Open IDEO

Adolecent girls and young women being trained about gender based voilence at Kjenjojo

Champions meeting the IDEO team -bill and melinda gates foundation.

Crafts made by peers in kyegegwa

community outreach at kawempe Lugooba to create awaerness about HIV prevention options.

AGYW at the DIC kampala for a refresher training on SRHR , HIV prevention and STIs

Focus group discussion about male involvment in immuzation at katoogo.

Fathers receiving torturnaments after immunization tournament.

Father bringing his child for the vaccine at kojja health centre (iv).

ED engaging in media advocacy.

Safe space dialogues being conducted in kyegegwa.

Male immunization champions being trained on savings and credit schemes.

PrEP talk peers celebrating women day.

Meeting with health care providers kjenjojo.

Male immunization champions receving certificaates.jpg

US embassy awarding PEPFAR community grant to PCI.

Peers baking.

ED training Women about dapivirine ring.

Hair dressing training for peers at kyegegwa DIC.

IDEO team engaging fathers about male involvement in immunization.

Household field activity to get perception about male involvement in immunization.

PrEP TALK PEERS after the training.

Training PrEP talk peers about sexual reproductive health and rights and HIV prevention interventions.

Vocational skill training.

Peers at the opening of the DIC kampala.

Mothers engaging in immunization basket ball tournament for male engagement in immunization.

Training male immunizations champions Goma.

Male immunization champions using sports to sentisitize their fellow men.

Kyegegwa peers at PCI DIC kyegegwa.

Peers baking.

Sensitizing girls with information on HIV prevention & SRHR on 2021 Girl child day.

Extending services to the fishng community.

DIC assement with IDI team.

Training AGYW to be PrEP talk peers.jpg